Book of Worries Morley, Robert; Dickinson, Geoffrey and Heath ; additional anxieties apprehended by Margaret Morley, Michael Fashion
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Item Condition: Used; Very Good
Do you have sleepless nights
worrying about money, sex, age,
diet, cars – even being buried alive
or having an aeroplane fall on you.
Do you dread catching a sandal in
the jaws of an escalator?
Or being eaten by a shark while
paddling in Bournemouth?
You do! Then take heart, for there is at least one
other person like you – Robert Morley,
to be exact.
Increase your anxiety potential with this
hilarious guide to worrying, arranged in
alphabetical order for easy reference and
PSPpered with that magic only the master
himself can produce.
Plenty of marvellous new ideas here
for anyone worried about finding
something new to worry about
Robert Morley s Book of Bricks
is also available in Pan
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