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A Kentish Lad – Paperback – Muir, Frank For Discount


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Item Condition: Used; Very Good

A treasure trove of funny stories…a warm, witty and extremely well-
written book sIR HARRY SECOMBE, Express on Sunday
For more than twenty-eve years Frank Muir, in partnership with Denis
Norden, produced some of the most sparkling and original comedy ever
written for radio and television. Later, working at the BBC and then at
London Weekend Television, he prodaced some of the most popular
television comedy of the 1960s and 70s.
From his very first joke at the age of six, Frank Muir knew that his destiny
was to make people laugh. He also knew from an early age that he wanted to
write, but it took a childhood illbess for him to discover that humour and
writing could be combined. The death of his father forced him to leave school
at the age of fourteen and work in a factory making carbon paper.
But it was during the Second World War, as an air photographer in the RAF,
that he really began his career as scriptwriter and performer. At his demob in
1945 he moved naturally to London and the Windmill Theatre, before joining
the BBC, the legendary partnerhip with Denis Norden, and half a century of
fulilling the boyhood ambition of that Kentish lad.
This delightful memoir is guaranteed to put a smile on your face
Frank Mur is not just very funny. He is also a scholar with an
enormos fund of curious learning. His intelligence, taste and genius
wih the Englh language is all his own PETER CAREY, Sundoy Times
Warmh of beart, love of language, sense of mischief.. he makes you
rock with laaghter DAVID HUGHES, Mail on Sundey

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