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The Endless Game – paperback- Forbes, Bryan Online Hot Sale


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Item Condition: Used; Very Good

Caroline Oates is no ordinary corpse. Until someone
slipped her a lethal injection she was little more than a
vegetable. KGB torturers had seen to that in Berlin ten
years ago when she eracked under interrogation. So why
kill a burnt-out case? And why now?
Alee Hillsden, MI6 seeret agent, must find the answers.
And watch his own back. Because he has an old score to
pay off – the mutilated body lying on the autopsy table is
the woman he once loved. And later betrayed.
But betrayal is the ace card in this endless, deadly game
of espionage. And as Alee draws ever closer to the most
dangerous player of all, the dirty, filthy truth seeps out…
*One of the best, most convincing espionage
novels I ve read in a long time
Martin Crus Smith
Has strangler s grip

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