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LITTLE CREOLE; The story of Napoleon and Josephine [Hardcover] Rosamund m Chambers Supply


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Item Condition: Used; Very Good

No jacket.


THIS story deals with the first five years of the married life of
Napoleon and Josephine, from Josephine s point of view; a point
of view generally neglected by novelists writing of the Napoleonic
Amongst serious historians and memoir writers the estimates of
Josephine s character have varied from one extreme to the orher.
She has been presented as a noble-hearted, long-suffering Lady of Sorrows, and as a woman so worthless as to be denied any redeeming quality.
great variety of sources.
I offer here my own interpretation of her during the years of
Napoleon s infatuation. I base my opinion on extensive reading in a
Though most of the scenes and all the conversation are imagin-
ary, the many quotations fromn Napoleon s letters are all textually
accurate and are used in their proper chronological order.
The Republican calendar was, of course, in official use through-
out the period of the story, but I have purposely avoided all men-
tion ofit for the convenience of modern readers.
None of the characters of the story, human or otherwise, is
epithets for his adored wife.
My title, Little Creole, was one of Napoleon s endearing

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