Birds of America McCarthy, Mary Hot on Sale
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Item Condition: Used; Very Good
Peter Levi is an innocent abroad,
a sensitive American half-Jew
waiting for the draft. He
likes to tell the truth about everyone,
including himself.
He tangles with the police in New England
and he discovers his deep sympathy
with Thoreau and Nature. In Europe
he nearly falls in love with a vegetarian,
and worries about Parisian clochards,
and he gets his education from an
assortment of cynics of all ages.
He is a worrier
a little out of his time,
not militant enough for the radicals,
not moderate enough for a liberal.
He is an American Candide.
Birds of America is a comic documentation
of the devastation of being alive,
aware, American and powerless in
the stifling sixties.
Birds of America is Mary McCarthy s
first novel since her great best-seller
The Group.
Cover design by David Pelham
For copyright reasons this edition is not for sale in the U.SA or Canada
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